I first heard Ted Hawkins’ Sweet Baby in VPRO radio program Heartlands, in a broadcast with the theme ‘Shalala’:–RRB-.
It appears on the album Watch Your Action (1982 ).
Ted Hawkins (October 28, 1936– January 1, 1995) was an American singer-songwriter. He was born in Biloxi, Mississippi, United States. [1]
Hawkins was an enigmatic figure through many of his career; he split his time between his embraced home town of Venice Beach, California where he was a mainly anonymous street performer, and Europe, where he and his songs were much better understood and well gotten in clubs and small auditorium.
Born into a poor family in Mississippi, Hawkins lived a tough early life, winding up at a reform school by age 12, and drifting, hitching, and taking his method throughout the country for the next dozen years, making numerous remain in prison including a three-year stint for stealing a leather jacket as a teen.
‘ Sweet child’ nevertheless, is an extremely pleasant song, that makes you shalala along:–RRB-.

Slideshow by Rapunzzl.
I do not claim to own the music, nor the images I used, I simply put things together like this.
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